
Invite to one's side men of wisdom and Valor

時間:2018-03-31 13:13:00
Recruitment position:
Age requirement:
20 to 35 years old
Academic requirements:
Junior high school or above
Number of recruits:
2 person
Job requirements:
Hands-on background: Require more than 2 years of peer related work experience. Operating duty: 1、According to the annual sales work plan, formulate the annual, quarterly and monthly operation and network construction objectives of the region under its jurisdiction and be responsible for the implementation, and put forward the sales network construction and expansion plan in the area under its jurisdiction. 2、Responsible for market research and market development in the area under their jurisdiction; regularly report to the leadership in written form the marketing strategy of competitors in the area under their jurisdiction, and propose corresponding solutions. 3、Grasp the sales volume, promotion methods and fund withdrawal of the sales companies in the area under their jurisdiction, and according to the assessment, put forward specific treatment opinions to the sales companies with irregular performance, and report them to the company's supervisor. 4、Work regularly with direct superiors. 5、Complete other tasks assigned by leaders.
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